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Date: 07.13.2022

sometimes i feel like we fall into the trap of thinking us wanting, needing things is going to inconvenience or even hurt others— which is just not true. it can be true at times, of course, but that depends on the method you use in getting those things you want. wanting in of itself is not wrong. needing is not wrong. i believe as long as you're empathetic to others and respect their boundaries, then you don't need to be afraid of hurting others.

or, if you want my tougher response: hurting other people is inevitable on some level. but it's the conflict, the push and pull, that helps us understand eachother and form stronger relationships with more trust. it's really just... about listening, and being earnest. and it doesn't always work out, but hurting someone doesn't necessarily make you a bad person either. our attempts to understand eachother are clumsy, and we're all trying our best to do what we think is right. it's okay to make mistakes. we're all only human.
Date: 06.29.2022

of course it's okay. it's never wrong to want. all things can be learned with time and i don't believe it's impossible to change-- but, i have to ask, is it toxic wrath or is it the poison that others have fed you that burn you so? often we can't tell the difference between something innate and something taught through the repetition of cruelty against us. we learn to fight and to be poisonous ourselves when we are in danger. it is not permanent; nothing is.

but i do believe everyone is capable of love. it doesn't have to be in any particular form. while it is endlessly complex, it's also extremely simple too. love can simply be enjoying one another's company. even people who cannot feel love in the way others do can still show their own kind of love. it's just up to us to figure it out.
Date: 06.29.2022

if you are, you'd know it. otherwise, who knows. maybe in another life, or even this one, we might find out. (but secretly i'm hoping not; i want this one to be mine forever.)