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Date: 03.31.2023

Post: Yes
Confession: Some tried to make me kill myself and before you feel sorry, know that if you saw inside me you would do the same if not out of disgust then surely out of pity. What made me persevere is my body, it refused to give in even as I was going through a psychotic break down the combination of which has left me suffering from tinnitus since. So my insides try to hurt my outsides with the allure of hedonistic attainment. I just want to be normal and want a future enough to quit being apathetic. I don’t want to be doomed. I don’t want to die.
Date: 03.23.2023

Name: Jam
Post: Yes
Confession: I feel like I put on different masks just to please everyone. In turn that makes me feel like a fraud. I'm sometimes unsure if the real me is me. I question if I even have a personality. It feels natural and yet it feels so wrong to be natural...
Date: 03.16.2023

Post: yes
Confession: !me would give her name.
Date: 09.14.2022

Post: yes
Confession: i have a partner who i dont think im providing enough for. it makes me hate myself, and in turn, i end up making them worried and feel worse. I feel like an inevitable failure.
Date: 07.01.2022

Name: --
Post: yes
Confession: i occasionally feel like i'm not real... wishing that someone would hurt me... then perhaps i'd be real, my existence would mean something. i think i'd be okay with being hurt and abused if it meant i'd belong to someone or, somewhere. i want a home.
Date: 06.29.2022

Name: ?
Post: Yes
Confession: i want to break someone—someone specific. the anger in me courses through my veins like electricity—and i've been electrocuted before, i know how that feels. i know their weak points like the back of my hand, the vulnerability gifted only to me being something precious, yet i can't help but want to tear them apart. that self-assured facade, their hypocrisy, that stubbornness that seems like they'd take it all to the grave, nothing but dirt under my feet. they don't know true pain, and i want to engrave it deep into their skin, alongside my name.

yet, i don't want to lose them. i love them more than i've ever loved anyone in my entire life. so i rip myself open a new one, and lick at my toxic wounds.

one day, i will be at peace. one day, i will be good. i hope for it.
Date: 06.27.2022

Post: yes
Confession: i sometimes wonder if i'm not really justified in wanting time away from people or feeling worried around some of my friends or trying to enforce boundaries on how much they can lean on me. if i hurt them by not letting them have access to me, that's bad, i think. but i'm scared and i don't know.
Date: 06.27.2022

Name: rowan
Post: yes
Confession: there's never an end to pain, i feel like i'm drowning in it. i wish i could curl up into the tightest, smallest ball and find the darkest possible corner to hide in and stay there until the earth eats me back up.
Date: 06.27.2022

Name: ___
Post: Yes
Confession: i want to hurt people. people who haven't done anything wrong but i've been hurt by anyways due to my own issues. i don't know how to deal with that. i just know i want to make them feel the hurt i do, and then some. i think that's probably bad, but oh well.
Date: 06.27.2022

Post: Yes
Confession: I wish I could feel more sorry about the people I've hurt despite it really being all my fault.
Date: 06.27.2022

Post: Yes
Confession: I truly, truly belive i am a bad person and am constantly trying to make up for it. Nothing I can do will ever be enough.
Date: 06.26.2022

Name: .
Post: Yes
Confession: I enjoy feeling better than others and when I tried to get better about it, I felt dead inside. The feeling of watching them stumble and fall, with a push sometimes, makes me so giddy. I want to win.
Date: 06.26.2022

Name: not supplied with one
Post: yes
Confession: think it got itself into a situation it's not happy with but can't leave. all it can confess to is doing it's best, once.
Date: 06.26.2022

Name: a wandering soul
Post: yes
Confession: i've been thinking a lot lately about something... maybe you know what it is? will it know my secrets?